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Firefighting Foam Lawsuit
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Firefighting foam is used by firefighters throughout the country, and it has been linked to multiple cancers. Firefighters are frequently exposed to a dangerous carcinogen in the foam. Cancers linked to this firefighting foam include:
• Prostate Cancer
• Kidney Cancer
• Bladder Cancer
• And More
If you developed an injury after being exposed to firefighting foam, complete our no-cost form today and see if you qualify for legal compensation.
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Fire Fighting Foam Laws
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This is a Mass Tort, Not a Class Action
What’s the difference?
Mass Tort Payments
Victims getting what they deserve
In a class action law suit, similarly situated victims (ie victims with the same injuries and/or backgrounds) are grouped together and their claims are decided by a judge all at once. Whereas in a mass tort case, victims’ claims are heard individually. This allows judges to consider and rule on the specific details of each plaintiffs’ claims.
Ongoing: Roundup (Bayer) –linked to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and other cancers
$10 billion settlement with $1.25 billion in additional funds already reserved
2020: Johnson & Johnson’s talcum powder
$2.1 billion verdict for 22 claimants developing ovarian cancer after asbestos was found in the product.
2004-2013: Vioxx (Merck)- heart problems
At least $4.85 billion paid to thousands of patients after developing heart problems from the pain medication.
2013-2016 – Stryker, DePuy and others biomedical firms-faulty hip replacement
Nearly $6 billion has been paid to several thousand claimants
Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF)
AFFF, also known as Aqueous Film-Forming Foam, is a type of firefighting foam that coats the fuel of a fire with a thick film to prevent contact with oxygen and the formation of flammable vapors. This foam has been utilized by firefighters, military bases, and airports for several decades since its creation in the 1960s.
AFFF frequently contains PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), a diverse group of chemicals used in hundreds of types of products. PFAS in the environment can enter the food supply through plants and animals that are grown, raised, or processed in contaminated areas.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Center for Disease Control (CDC), and American Cancer Society (ACS) have issued warnings about PFAS, indicating that these chemicals break down slowly over time and have been linked to multiple cancers in various scientific studies. While there is still much to learn, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with PFAS exposure.
As they are long-lasting and frequently used chemicals, most people are regularly exposed to PFAS. In addition to being in various processed foods and drinks, these chemicals have absolutely wreaked havoc on our air, soil, and water! While it is still early days, studies continue to show that exposure from contaminated resources can lead to severe adverse health effects.

3M, the original producer of AFFF and two types of PFAS, are facing thousands of claims for allegedly hiding their own research and failing to disclose the health risks of AFFF to the public.
Government agencies such as the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), the EPA, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS) have all studied and cataloged the effects of PFAS contamination. Even 3M conducted their own research in the 1970s and discovered the dangers of AFFF exposure.
To date, numerous injuries have been linked to these substances with a variety of cancers among them.
- Breast Cancer (men)
- Bladder Cancer
- Kidney Cancer
- Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
- Leukemia
- Liver Cancer
- Multiple Myeloma
- Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Testicular Cancer
- Thyroid Cancer
I know or am related to a firefighter.
Is there any chance I was exposed to AFFF or PFAS chemicals?
Have you been affected?
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3M, the original producer of AFFF and two types of PFAS, are facing thousands of claims for allegedly hiding their own research and failing to disclose the health risks of AFFF to the public.
3M has known about the dangers of AFFF and PFAS for decades and multiple studies from multiple institutions have linked their contamination to life-threatening injuries. Now is the time to hold the company accountable for its negligence.
Slingshot’s Legal Network can connect qualified claimants to attorneys ready and willing to represent their cases. Call or complete our no-cost claim review today and don’t wait to pursue the justice you deserve.